Elderly people should use the bird's nests or not?

Swallow's nests have been transmitted before the ear and used to advise mothers are pregnant or breast-feeding period, infant malnutrition. But many people want to buy gifts and presents grandparents, parents, older people are not sure Nests are really good for the elderly or not. Then this article will provide you with useful information about the problem that you are wondering and searching.

In bird nest contains 18 essential amino acids, rich in proline, asparkichnhieu acids such precious elements Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, ... help stimulate better digestion, increase the amount of red blood cells in the blood , which stimulates the growth of cells, restore damage cells. From the components on, Nests are rare foods are especially good for the elderly to enrichment. Especially, Nests also work effectively for cases such as impaired resistance, poor digestion, appetite, memory impairment. These are all cases and happens to middle-aged people and the elderly.

To Yen was in full effect, make sure older people, older people use daily and nest regularly used for long periods. Instead of buying natural Salanganes'Nest then carry on semi-processed and cleaned and processed, you can also refer to other types of natural oats are processed and bottled at concentrations sufficient for one day. Such convenience and a lot better.

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